www.ayurvedaliving.org - Ayurveda Living
Showing 1 - 15 of 18 Results

Ayurveda Practitioners Results - Los Angeles, California

Sample Member

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Anjali Deva

Anjali Deva IF THE WISEST INDIVIDUALS OF OUR SOCIETY were to meditate on the very essential question of our existence “What does it mean to be alive?,”

Rita Burgos

Rita Burgos works with clients to address emotional and nervous system challenges (addiction, anxiety, anger management, depression), digestive distress,

Naomi Kiyanna Boas

Naomi Uchida-Boas Greetings! I found Ayurveda through my own health journey and am eternally grateful for it, because it turned my health, and life, around.

Kari Burgos

After the devastating loss of her mother, Kari turned to yoga to heal herself from years of self destructive habits, to deepen her spirituality and to reclaim

Erica Rey

Born in Argentina, raised in Los Angeles - Erica Rey combines her years organizing within the immigrant rights movement, her training in alternative medicine

Julia Lungin

Julia is a certified Ayurvedic Medicine Practitioner who graduated from American University of Complementary Medicine in 2007. She has a natural warm, nurturing

Dr LeRoy R Perry Jr

Dr. LeRoy Perry, D.C., C. Ped., has been called a Renaissance man, a modern day Hippocrates, and a Leonardo da Vinci of our time. And you’ll see why,

Mrs Caylynn Amritha Rodecker

The Ancient Art of Ayurveda Practiced in India since the 4th Century, Ayurveda is a holistic healing practice that combines herbal remedies, nutrition, body

Cherillyn Hormone Balance and Holistic Weight Loss

Cherillyn focuses on holistic wellness, providing customized hormone balancing and weight loss programs for women at BeBalanced Woodland Hills. She specializes

Los Angeles, California, 91364, United States

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