Naomi Uchida-Boas
Greetings! I found Ayurveda through my own health journey and am eternally grateful for it, because it turned my health, and life, around. I became intrigued with this ancient medical system and sought to study it more deeply after I experienced its profound healing power.
Today people hardly believe me when I tell them I suffered from chronic acne for over a decade, that I have successfully managed my chronic autoimmune and back conditions and that I overcame infertility and two miscarriages.
After experiencing this transformation through Ayurveda, I understood both its power and wisdom. As we move forward into this fast-paced, uncertain, futuristic reality, there is definitely something to be learned from our ancient, sacred and eternally wise traditions. I am dedicated to spreading knowledge of Ayurveda, and to helping as many people as possible bring balance to the mind, body and soul. Ayurveda is a doorway into higher consciousness and aligned living, and as I continue to evolve I will share what I learn along the way, forever both the student and the teacher/ guide.
Like many of us who came of age in the 1980s and 90s, I grew up on sodas and processed foods. Looking back, I’m amazed that I feel as good as I do today, considering all that I put into my body. But I’ve also done a lot of work to get here. Healing is a continuous journey and Ayurveda provides a path for me.
In retrospect I can now see that all that junk I was putting into my system over the years was accumulating in my body as something we call ama in Ayurveda (undigested foods which become sticky, stubborn toxins lining the gut and burrowing in weak, vulnerable tissues and organs). For many of us, when we’re young our bodies can handle the “abuse” because physiologically our body wants us to be healthy and does all it can to keep us in balance, a state of homeostasis. But like a car, we have to properly maintain it so that it keeps running smoothly for as long as possible. When we pump our system with poor quality foods and substances, channels become blocked, much like traffic on a freeway, and this ama is formed, igniting the dis-ease process.
I came to a point in my life when I could no longer ignore that something was deeply wrong inside. I was a mess: acne, back pain, miscarriages, inflammation, auto-immunity, unhealthy relationships and negative thought patterns. Luckily, I was able to turn myself around, and I owe a great deal of that to Ayurveda. Today, I am grateful to be able to share this beautiful ancient medicine through my work with both clients and students.
I offer my services to others because I truly believe in the power of Ayurveda to facilitate the healing process at the deepest levels of the body, mind and soul.
I hope to meet you on your wellness journey.