Julia is a certified Ayurvedic Medicine Practitioner who graduated from American University of Complementary Medicine in 2007. She has a natural warm, nurturing healing touch. She believes the key to great health is finding balance, inner peace, self-love and radiance from within.
Julia (or Vedic Jules, as she is known) is the founder of Insource Yourself, is a collaboration of different healing modalities and practices that she has acquired over the last 25 years. She is a certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Reiki Master, and mother or two beautiful girls. Julia is also certified in the unique Natural Facelift Massage technique as well as in training for being a certified Vedic Counselor and breath work guide. Her goal is to leave you feeling loved, nurtured, nourished, and empowered with a wider understanding of yourself. Julia wants to remind her clients that they are valuable and worthy of the highest care and attention to themselves.
When Julia read her first spiritual book, Awareness by Anthony de Mello, she had an out of body experience like never before. It was the first time in her life that she realized that she has a consciousness. Even more so, she realized the concept of consciousness as a whole. It was within her own ability to interfere with the running playlist in her mind. The thoughts in her head are simply just stuff in her head. As she stated, “Your brain produces thoughts just like your heart pumps blood, it’s part of being human, not something that needs to be tampered with or changed.” But this was only the beginning of her Spiritual Journey.
When Julia was pregnant with her second daughter, she discovered Ayurveda and she fell in love with the philosophy. What shocked her most about the practices was that she was reading and learning about something that had been established over 5000 years ago, and yet it was still relevant to her present life. Julia’s immersion into Ayurvedic practice led her to opting for a natural child birth and further taking care of her body in ways she never imagined.
Upon realizing that her passion lied with Spiritual Practices, Julia enrolled at the American University of Complimentary Medicine (amongst other institutions for secondary certifications) to pursue a career as an Ayurvedic practitioner. Upon completing school, she began her professional career by hosting retreats with her former classmates. Her first retreat was held at an avocado farm in Temecula, California. The responses were amazing! What started for Julia as a journey to better her own life had transformed into a career path that impacted so many people. And that is why Julia continues to do the work she does today.
Julia is first and foremost an Ayurvedic practitioner, but she specializes in many other fields as well. Some of her services include body work, facials, chakra healing, reiki, aura massages, guided meditations, or really whatever the client needs in that moment.
Additionally, Julia recently founded Insource Yourself, which centers around the idea of being the source of your own love, wellbeing, healing, self care, and empowering people to use all the tools that they can within themselves. A lot of the practices she teaches through Insource Yourself are meant to be learned and then integrated into your Spiritual Wellness routine on your own. This includes practices like mediation, self massage, dry brushing, and shifting your own energy through various modalities. The over all goal of Insource Yourself is to help her clients feel worthy of the love that they can provide for themselves.
We asked Julia a series of questions so that you can further get to know her, what she does, and her view on what it means to be a Spiritual Groupie:
I work well with people who have no prior experience. I like to work one on one because I really love to connect with my clients. I am able to set the tone for less anxiety, calmness, and they start to a new spiritual journey. People who are looking to regulate their nervous system can also really benefit from my work. A lot of these practices work on a very deep level of nourishing and nurturing your nervous system. Also, my services can be very beneficial for people who have Vata imbalance.