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Weight Loss with Ayurveda

Weight Loss with Ayurveda

Shedding Pounds Naturally: Weight Loss with Ayurveda

We in many ways live in a world cocooned by comforts, luxuries, and abundance that most of our ancestors didn’t even dream of. This very luxuries of modern life have also become vices that tie us to our sedentary lifestyles. Nowhere is it more obvious than in the diets most of us have resigned ourselves to.

Today the global obesity rate stands at a whopping 30%. Yes, almost 30% of us are either obese or dangerously overweight. Obesity of course opens the door to a whole host of mental and physical ailments that can prove fatal. Obesity is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, some types of cancers, arthritis and kidney diseases.

While we in the modern world grapple with the consequences of gluttony, Ayurveda had already laid down the groundwork to achieve a fit body with the help of an Ayurvedic diet, and exercise.

Out of all the diets available out there, it’s an Ayurvedic diet that is simple to follow and adopt in your daily routine. Ayurveda shows you the way towards efficient weight loss without stressing about it. In its pursuit to reward us with improved health, immune to most diseases. Ayurveda charts a path for us to get in shape and never worry about putting on excess weight.

Here are eight Ayurvedic tips that can guide you through a healthy weight loss process…

A Glass of Citrus in the morning

The very first thing you can do every morning is gulp down a glass of warm water with squeezed lemon. This has relevance on scientific grounds and helps in reinvigorating your entire digestive system to successfully kick start your day. Benefits include improving the digestive power, reducing the metabolic waste that could have built up in your body overnight and boost the immune system.

Get Exercise

What many experts advice today, has been a cornerstone of Ayurveda’s teachings ever since its inception over 5000 years ago. Vyayama or daily exercise have been recommended by Ayurveda as a preventive health regimen and it helps in keeping your blood sugar down, building your strength, sustaining mental health and staving off chronic diseases. It is recommended to get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.


It is easier to get distracted today, where we live in a world of abundance after all. Distractions can disturb your peace of mind, cause stress, and later aggravate into a much serious case of mental illness. Stress has been identified as one of the primary causes of sudden weight gain. So, try to find at least 10 minutes of respite in your daily routine. Mornings are usually better for this wherein you can partake in yoga and meditation. Meditation for 5 minutes before going to sleep is also a good practice.

When do you eat and how much to eat?

Ayurveda isn’t simply concerned with suggesting to us what to eat, but also offers valuable lessons on how to consume food for better results. It recommends three core meals a day with no snacking in between. The first is breakfast, which comes in the morning between 7:00 to 9:00 AM where you are supposed to have a medium-sized meal. The second which is lunch is the one which is supposed to be the heaviest of the three meals, had between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM. The last meal of the day (dinner) should be light and had between 5:30 PM and 8:00 PM.

Seasonal Eating

There are now ample studies to suggest that having fruits and vegetables in season helps your body absorb more nutrition than the ones which are out of season. So, if it is summer, have fruits and vegetables that are exclusive to that season to keep your body cool and energized whereas winter is the season to partake in root vegetables, nuts, grains and proteins. Eating seasonally helps you absorb more nutrition from your food and improves your body’s digestion.

Experience all Six Tastes

According to Ayurveda, there are six different tastes; sweet, sour, bitter, salty, astringent, and pungent. All of these six tastes should be a part of our daily diet in order to provide our body with all the minerals, vitamins, and nutrients it needs to sustain itself. Do not overload on sweet and salty food products, as they are a major cause of weight gain. Balance them out by combining the other four tastes on your diet.

Move After Meal

The worst thing you can do after having your meal is simply lie down. After a meal, move a little. Take a short 5 to 10-minute walk. This will help in improved digestion for your body by moving through the stomach faster. Studies have shown that moving after meals might actually help lower blood sugar levels for diabetic patients.

Sleep and Rise Early

An integral part of Ayurveda’s teachings is an holistic approach to well-being. It prescribes the mind and body with remedies that work to benefit the body as a whole. One of the most crucial things Ayurveda emphasizes is sleep. Sleep is important for the body to recuperate and regain its strength. Lack of sleep can impose a big strain on the mind and body resulting in issues like weight gain, stress, depression etc. Try to stay away from your computer and Mobile screens at least two hours before sleep time, as they can severely disturb your circadian rhythm. Remember, a good night’s sleep is sometimes all you need to have a strong body and a sound mind. A cold water bath is also recommended in the morning as it helps in weight loss.


Weight loss is just one of the many issues that can be resolved if the above eight tips are followed diligently. So, if you are noticing weight gain in your body, do not stress as it will only make matters worse. Instead, tap into your knowledge of Ayurveda to achieve the results you desire. For more advice on Ayurvedic remedies for weight loss, we recommend you consult an Ayurvedic Practitioner.

Note: The information in this article is intended for your educational use only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health programs. 

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