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Organic Neem Leaf Powder - Azadirachta Indica

$19 In Stock
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Neem is a member of the mahogany family, Meliaceae. The scientific name of neem is Azadirachta indica.  

This Latinized name comes from the Persian words: ‘Azad’ meaning ‘free’, ‘dirakht’ meaning ‘tree’, and ‘i-Hind’ meaning ‘of Indian origin’.

So, this word means the ‘free tree of India’.

In English, Neem is also known as "Margosa."

Neem leaves are traditionally used in Ayurveda to help relieve itching associated with minor skin conditions such as eczema. Neem helps relieve itching associated with minor wounds and burns as per Ayurvedic medicines.  Neem is also used to help expel intestinal worms (Krmiroga) in herbal medicines.

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