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Glymin, 60 Tablets

Kerala Ayurveda
$19 In Stock
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Glymin is a proprietary formula based on an Ayurvedic herbal blend known as Prameha-hara.

Meshashiringi, an herb linked to blood sugar balance, supports healthy blood glucose levels for healthy pancreatic and liver function.

Meshashiringi translates as ‘Sugar Destroyer,’ as it’s renowned for its unique ability to temporarily curb the taste of sugar, while simultaneously supporting healthy nutrient absorption of other essential nutrients.

This helps curb the appetite and cravings for a natural way to manage weight.

Glymin is a Kapha pacifying blend that uses Saptaranga, Jambu, Amalaki, Vijaysar, and Asana to support natural lipid maintenance and balance, as well as healthy cholesterol for whole body balance and function.

Healthy Blood Sugar


* Supports Blood Sugar & Blood Glucose Balance

* Supports Healthy Cholesterol & Pancreas

* Supports Healthy Weight Management

* Helps Curb Appetite & Stress-Related Cravings

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