Maggie is an Ayurvedic Doctor in Park City, UT. In 2005 she established Ananda Ayurveda LLC, a wellness organization devoted to providing thoughtful alternatives to our daily habitual living patterns, relieving chronic health imbalances and promoting optimal health and wellbeing. Patients come in for consultations, herbal formulations or personal cleanses as appropriate for them.
Maggie also leads therapeutic yoga classes for spinal openings at Park City Yoga Studio and does special classes for traumatic brain injury patients. She conducts a variety of workshops in and around Park City Yoga, UT and Southern California. Each spring and fall, Maggie directs the Ayurvedic cleanse program conducted by Ananda Ayurveda.
Maggie teaches the Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy Teacher Training for California College of Ayurveda in the Utah area and co-teaches the program with Dr.Marisa Laursen at Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat, Paradise Island, Bahamas.
Maggie holds a Master’s degree in Ayurveda, and a Bachelor’s degree in biology. She first studied yoga with Yogi Lapatraj Sharma, in California for ten years as a young woman. She went on studying and practicing with Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati, Pattabi Jois and Mukunda Stiles and formally at the California College of Ayurveda and the Hindu University of America. Her undergraduate biology degree is from Carleton College, Northfield, MN.
Maggie completed her Ayurvedic Doctorate clinical training. Dr. Koblasova is seeing new patients.