Rose is a Holistic Health Practitioner focused in supporting health and overall well being, with training and special interest in the following areas:
Holistic Wellness
Ayurvedic medicine - Certified Ayurvedic Counselor by the National Ayurvedic Medical Association
Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Instructor E-RYT500 - certified by Yoga Vermont (500 hours) & Om Shanti Om Yoga School in Rishikesh, India (200 additional hours), Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher (RPYT)
Holistic Nutrition - Food as Medicine (B.S. Nutrition)
Juicing, Superfoods, Detoxification & Cleansing
Meditation, Mindfulness & Consciousness (M.A. Psychology: Consciousness Studies in Philosophy & Religion)
Energy Medicine - Reiki I & II certified by Vermont Center for Energy Medicine
Permaculture Design (PDC) - certified by Grow Permaculture School