Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy personalizes the yogic practice for each individual based on his or her constitutional type and current state of being. Ayurveda & Yoga are both from the ancient Vedic Texts; these sister sciences are most effective when practiced together. In our programs, we meet one full weekend per month to immerse ourselves in and integrate the ancient arts of Ayurveda & Yoga into our body, mind, and spirit. Ayurvedic wisdom says that “A person is as old as their digestive system”; therefore, we have a special emphasis on digestion and detoxification in this program. We tell our students to think of themselves as their first client. This is about personal immersion into these ancient sacred sciences through tongue and pulse reading, an individualized approach to yoga, pranayama (focused breath-work), diet, spices, meditation, mantra, mudra, chakra, srota, nadi and marma balancing, as well as dinacharya (daily living routines), to restore balance and harmony.