Vedic Synergy based in New York city focuses on Ayurvedic Wellness, and Spiritual Healing Coaching (both general and Vedic) — taking into consideration a holistic view of health and lifestyle based on bio-individuality.
Our Rise like a Phoenix Mind-Body-Spirit Transformation Program is customized to suit your specific needs. If the following interests you:
Learning about spirituality/establishing a daily practice
Focusing on your spiritual growth to live with more awareness
Have a more balanced life in all aspects for more harmony and peace of mind
Find your soul mission/life purpose that is more fulfilling
Overcome your own blocks and heal – have a complete mind-body-spirit transformation!
——– then you have come to the right place!
Ayurveda is an intricate system of healing that originated in India more than 5000 years ago. It is a science of life. We are all part and parcel of nature and just as other creatures live in harmony with nature, so we too can follow the Laws of Nature to create heath, balance within our beings and to bring the individual back into equilibrium with their true selves. ‘Ayu’ means life and ‘Veda’ means knowledge.
Ayurveda explains that everything in the Universe, including our bodies, radiates a unique energy pattern or aura. Imbalances in our energy bodies get manifested into our visible physical bodies. It is through the removal of blockages in the energy body, reduction of stress, spiritual healing, increasing the right nutrients, spices/herbs, and harmonizing the energy vibrations within one’s body that a healthy state can be re-established.
Let the synergy between the ancient and modern, the fusion between Ayurveda and western nutritional principles, the interaction between East and West, the balance between the mind, body, soul and most importantly, the intrinsic connection between the Individual (You) and the Universe (Parmatma) pervade, in order to facilitate a transformation to an exceptional You!