Arogya utilizes the time-tested practices and remedies of ancient sages to heal disease, increase longevity, and find inner balance. The Arogya Team is gathered from brilliant individuals with diverse and rarefied backgrounds ranging from traditional Ayurvedic Pancha Karma Physicians to Business Managers to Massage Therapists to Sanskrit Scholars and Warrior-Performers, gathered together by the Mission and Core Principles of Arogya
A pioneer in the realization of clinical Ayurveda in the west, Kashyapa is the founder and director of Arogya. He received a traditional Gurukula education in classical Ayurveda over the course of five years in Pune, India under the tutelage of Vaidyas Shreerang and Varsha Galgali. Kashyapa maintains a full-time clinical Panchakarma practice through Arogya specializing in toxicology and chronic disease management.
Submitted by Dean Carroll on 01/21/2024
Kashyapa Fisher-Jared Fisher asserts to practice Ayurveda, emphasizing a holistic approach to health. However, he has deliberately placed a massive toxic pile of animal urine and solid feces on his property directly behind his neighbors' homes. The pervasive noxious fumes from this pile force neighbors, including an elderly and disabled individual, to endure continuous exposure to these harmful vapors. This blatant contradiction between Fisher's professed commitment to health and his actions raises serious concerns about the impact on the well-being of those living nearby. One is compelled to question whether such behavior is a positive reflection of Ayurvedic principles or indicative of a disregard for the well-being of others, resembling a "bakavRtti" mentality.
Submitted by Resident on 12/20/2023
Kashyapa Fisher- Jared Fisher professes to practice Ayurveda, a “natural” and holistic approach to physical and mental health. He alleges to help guide people (for a fee) in finding a balance of physical and mental health. Yet Kashyapa Fisher-Jared Fisher has intentionally placed a massive toxic pile of animal urine and solid feces on his property directly behind his neighbor's homes. This pile is so vile and closely located to his neighbors' homes they have no alternative but to breathe these grotesque vapors 24 hrs a day. One of his neighbors is elderly and disabled yet is constantly subjected to these unhealthy vapors caused by the pile produced by Kashyapa Fisher- Jared Fisher . I have to question, is this a good practice for a “guide” to better physical and mental health? However, if I purchase a 1 hr session can Kashyapa Fisher- Jared Fisher make me healthier by making the pile go away?