Pari Mudiginty is an Integrative Pharmacist & Ayurvedic Practitioner passionate about educating and helping people achieve vibrant health. She holds a Bachelors and Masters degree in Pharmacy from Goa College of Pharmacy, India, MBA from Fairleigh Dickinson University, NJ and a Diploma in Ayurveda Medical Science (D.A.M.S) from BSS College, Chennai, India. Prior to establishing Ayurvedashram, she practiced as a registered pharmacist and Pharmacy Manager in New Jersey. Focusing on evidence-based research, she integrates her expertise in medication and disease state management with Ayurvedic principles and solutions. She speaks on mind-body wellness at corporate seminars and workshops. Pari is Member, Executive Committee, Council for Ayurveda Research (CAR), USA, Research Scientist, World Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE) and Associate Editor, Ayurveda Journal of Health (AJH), USA. Including her work, Pari enjoys being with family, in nature, creative DIY projects and meditation.