Jodey Specializes in women’s health, specifically gynaecological conditions, reproductive health, fertility, pregnancy support and postpartum care, and the transitional phase of menopause. Jodey completed a 10-month part-time certification, in 2011, as an Ayurvedic Health Counsellor at Mount Madonna Institute of Ayurveda in California. She then went on to study full time with Dr Vasant Lad at The Ayurvedic Institute, New Mexico. Jodey completed her Ayurvedic practitioner certification and Yoga teacher training in 2015. During her time there, she was introduced to Jyotish astrology, a sister science to Ayurveda and Vastu, the yoga of space. To augment learning, she continued her studies in Ayurvedic obstetrics with Dr Amruta Athale, founder of the Arya Ayurveda Institute in Pune, India.