Mind Body Health Wellness Counseling and Coaching:
Mental Health Counseling: Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia
Health & Wellness Coaching: Wellness Coaching for patients Diagnosed with Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Sleep disorders and other chronic illness. Coaching for Healthy Aging, Weight management, Pain management, Disease management, Stress management, Menopause management, Mood management, Codependency and Life transitions.
Ayurvedic Consultations: Ayurvedic body type, Diet and lifestyle, Herbal recommendations to balance your doshas, Seasonal routines and cleansing methods.
If you are:
staying awake all night worrying, and your mind just won’t let you relax?
in chronic pain and fatigue and you’ve tried everything with no results?
in fear of the unknown, and do you experience a great deal of difficulty making choices?
feeling helpless, unhappy, low mood, not motivated, filled with shame, and lacking confidence?
believing that you are unworthy, or that you don’t deserve to live a vibrant and successful life?
struggling with unprocessed grief and loss, or other major life transitions?
Get the help you need Now!!!
As a Licensed Professional Counselor, Health & Wellness Coach and Ayurvedic Doctor I can help you:
Get your life back on track
Rise above your pain and struggle
Build confidence and a heart-felt sense of self-worth
Navigate life transitions
Accomplish your short-term and long-term goals
Reprogram old limiting belief systems that have kept you stuck, struggling and stagnated