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Ms Denise B Lapides

Ayurveda Practitioners

About Ms Denise B Lapides

“I have been preparing for this moment my whole life,” I realized during my first yoga experience. Following Savasana, the shift inside of me was palpable, the light was now very bright. A very clear understanding, without words, was obvious. This is my path.

My conscious spiritual journey began at 15 with a near death experience and memories of deeper experiences with sacred beings. Since then, through many years of trying on several “ways of living” including career, marriage, children, travel and a blessed life albeit filled with the many challenges most of us face, I was keenly aware that behind all of that, something deeper pulled at me.

Yoga means to yoke or create union, and that union is the experience of realization of our True Nature, that we are not separate from that which is. Practicing, meditating, chanting and opening a fearful heart has revealed that union to me. I feel it is not enough to practice yoga but to live yoga, in every thought, word and deed. Observing a discrepancy between me “on the mat” and me “off the mat”, and to root out that division, reveals an ego projection and allows me to weave that separation back into my heart through a daily spiritual practice, Sadhana. Regular practice is a gradual process that allows for realizations that reveal the inner judge. Allowing a deeper voice to guide, and to trust my heart, exposed the thinking mind.

Completing 200 HR and 500 HR Hatha Yoga Teacher Trainings and Level I (200 HR) and Level II (300 HR) Kundalini Yoga courses provided astounding clarity and trust in living an authentic life. My spiritual name, Kirpal, means “merciful and compassionate one”, and it reminds me we are all in this together. I am simply grateful for every experience I have, every day, and each being I meet.

Completing the Ayurvedic Practitioner’s Certification from Mt. Madonna in 2014 led me into exploring the Master’s program there from 2017 – 2018. I just completed 1000 hours of intensive study to graduate as a Certified Yoga Therapist, from The Soul of Yoga, San Diego, CA.

The real teacher is the Divine, Life and our experiences.

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