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Kirti Sandeep Pingle BAMS MD(Ayu)

Ayurveda Practitioners

About Kirti Sandeep Pingle BAMS MD(Ayu)

Dr. Kirti S. Pingle is an Ayurveda practitioner formally trained in India, with extensive experience for almost a decade. She started studying Ayurveda at the age of 17 years. She completed a six-year Bachelor’s course in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.). After completion of this course, she pursued her interest further and studied Ayurveda towards a master’s degree for another 3 years (M.D. Ayurveda). Her training is recognized by the Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi.

Dr. Kirti ranked first in MD Ayurveda and also won a Gold Medal from the European Ayurveda academy for her MD dissertation on Diabetes Mellitus. Recently, She was awarded Fellowship of Institute of Indian Medicine (F.I.I.M) for exceptional research in the field of Ayurveda.

Dr. Kirti has practiced Ayurveda in India and has teaching and clinical experience. In addition, she is co-editor of the scientific Ayurveda journal ” Deerghayu International”
Dr. Kirti S. Pingle is a professional member of NAMA (National Ayurvedic Medical Association) and an approved Ayurvedic practitioner. She meets NAMA criteria for education and experience as a practitioner in the US. Dr. Kirti has started consulting in La Jolla, CA and San Diego area.

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