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Ms. Prabha Bhalla

Ayurveda Practitioners

About Ms. Prabha Bhalla

Prabha Bhalla is a graduate of the California College of Ayurveda. Prabha completed her training as a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist (CAS). Currently, Prabha is going through an Ayurvedic Doctor’s internship. The California College of Ayurveda offers California State Approved programs in Ayurvedic Medicine. Prabha Bhalla is qualified to work clinically on patients.

Prabha Bhalla has intensive training with Dr. Lad, a renowned Ayurvedic physician and teacher, in Pune, India as well as at The Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Prabha is certified in Marma Therapy (CMT). In addition, Prabha Bhalla has certification in Master in Ayurvedic digestion and nutrition (MID) through Joyfulbelly.

Prabha Bhalla’s focus is on digestion, nutrition, lifestyle, marma therapies, ayurvedic body therapies, herbal medicine, breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation, yogasana recommendations.

Specifically, I like to focus on auto-immune, cancer, metabolic disorder, digestive conditions, respiratory conditions, and skin conditions.

Aging has brought back to me back to my roots of Ayurveda for my own personal healing. Also, having lived in a family that followed Ayurveda as daily routine in their lives, Prabha became interested in learning Ayurveda in detail for her own health as she aged and to help whoever needs to maintain their health holistically and naturally.

Prabha is also a professional member of National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA).

If you would like to schedule an appointment with Prabha please see the Consultations section.

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