Ayurveda Education
Founder at
Yoga Nature - Integrated Wellness Centers of America
Cupertino, California, 95014
Sachin Deshmukh has been trained as a physician in India and holds several degrees and diplomas in holistic medicine, homeopathy, ayurveda, and yoga therapy. He is not a licensed physician in the USA.
He practiced medicine over a decade in India, where he headed the Department of Natural Therapy and Yogic Sciences at a general and cancer hospital in Pune.
Sachin was born into a family of yoga masters, trained under several monks, and been exposed to diverse vedic traditions and philosophies. Sachin’s approach to holistic medicine combines ayurveda and homeopathy with the classical limbs of yoga, encompassing asana, pranayama, bandha, mudra, kriya, chanting and nada-yoga, along with Transcendental Meditation® and other mental practices. His approach is tailored to the specific needs of his students and clients
Sachin is affiliated with many esteemed organizations globally as well mentor to many health and wellness related start ups.