Nature's Revitalizing Plant - Shatavari
Traditionally used to support the reproductive system, Shatavari has been a staple of Ayurveda for centuries. Also known as Asparagus racemosus, Shatavari remains a prominent Ayurvedic herb for females seeking to alleviate the ailments afflicted on their reproductive system, mainly due to excess Pitta.
Shatavari is known as a rejuvenating tonic. As such, it has been used by not only young women but also by middle to significantly elder aged women as well, helping all of them gracefully deal with the transition process their bodies go through.
Shatavari in Ayurveda: A Women's Health Elixir
Shatavari can be used to balance both Pitta and Vata, but can also cause discernible Kapha imbalance, thanks in large parts due to its heavy nature. Its combination of both a bitter and sweet taste allows it to provide our bodies with a much-needed cooling effect.
Not just that, but its oily properties can also provide the body with a nourishing grounding effect as well. These qualities combined are what have led to many Ayurveda experts rewarding Shatavari with the title of Rasayana, meaning ‘rejuvenator of the reproductive system’.
Moreover, its rejuvenating benefits aren’t exclusive to women alone. Men can also derive a great deal of health benefits from this nourishing herb.
In this article, we will acquaint you with some of these benefits, and also leave you with a few tips on how you can incorporate this precious Ayurvedic herb in your daily lives for optimal health benefits.
Unlocking the Health Benefits of Shatavari
1 – Unveiling the Nutritional Powerhouse of Shatavari
Shatavari is packed with a plethora of enriching nutrients that a body needs to stay healthy. Minerals like copper, manganese, zinc, and selenium can be found in abundance in the herb. On the other hand, it is also a great source of Vitamin A and Gamma-Linoleic Acid. For those of you who aren’t aware, Gamma Linoleic Acid can be extremely effective in the treatment of chronic ailments such as arthritis, diabetes, heart diseases, high cholesterol levels, and depression.
The amount of nutrients it harbors is precisely the reason why it has now garnered the widespread attention of the scientific community worldwide. With continuing studies trying to decipher Shatavari’s proclivities, we might see Shatavari play an important role in the future of human wellbeing pertaining to modern science.
2 – Nurturing Women's Reproductive Well-Being with Shatavari
Shatavari’s ability to support and promote female reproductive health is what it is primarily known for in the ancient text of Ayurveda. In fact, Shatavari can be an efficient ally for women in every stage of their lives. The steroidal saponins that make for its major constituent can be used as estrogen regulators.
This fact makes Shatavari an effective player when it comes to regulating menstrual cycles, alleviating menstrual cramps, managing PMS symptoms, and controlling the amount of blood loss. It can be extremely beneficial in preventing bloating as well as fluid retention before and during a period respectively.
3 – Shatavari's Potent Antioxidant Properties
Promoting optimal reproductive health in women isn’t the only benefits one seeks to reap from saponins in Shatavari. In fact, these saponins also qualify as powerful antioxidants that can eliminate free radicals from the body and manage oxidative stress to prevent diseases from afflicting the human body. You can expect to ward off an array of chronic and benign health conditions, thanks in large part to Shatavari’s potent antioxidant abilities.
4 – Shatavari's Role in Enhancing Breast Milk Production
Young mothers often struggle with the issue of feeding their newborn babies due to very little milk production in their breasts. Fortunately, this is also a problem that Shatavari can help with. Low milk production, especially in young mothers can be a cause of anemia, low blood pressure, or stress.
Shatavari can help regulate milk production so mothers can feed their newborns to their satisfaction. Having Shatavari every day is thus not only good for the mothers but also exceptionally great for the newborns in helping develop their immunity. Plus, the fact that it is a natural herb makes it completely safe for children.
5 – Balancing Mood Swings with Shatavari
It is a well-documented fact that mood swings are quite a typical occurrence in women than it is for men. This is mainly because women go through more frequent bodily transitions than men. Menstruation, Hormonal Problems, and Pregnancy can all contribute to a woman being afflicted by mood swings.
Shatavari can be a perfect antidote to calm your nerves when such episodes do transpire. Ayurveda recommends having Shatavari daily to not only combat mood swings but also help women function efficiently when mood swings strike.
6 – Shatavari's Role in Enhancing Female Fertility
Becoming a Parent is said to be the most pleasurable experience of one’s life. Sadly, some are robbed of ever realizing this dream due to low fertility. Shatavari, thanks to its reproductive system rejuvenating properties can help offset fertility issues in both men and women.
7 – Shatavari: A Natural Diuretic for Healthy Fluid Balance
Although lesser known, but still equally effective, Shatavari can be a very fundamental diuretic herb to help fight against conditions such as urinary tract problems and other infections. It is also known to reduce the size of kidney stones, as well as promote the health of a urinary bladder.
8 – Shatavari's Healing Touch on Gastric Issues
Shatavari’s dry roots exhibit potent abilities to cure gastric problems arising in the body once and for all. These Shatavari roots if ground into a powder and consumed as a juice, can help the body find relief from ulcers and other ailments affecting the gastrointestinal tract.
Incorporating Shatavari into Your Daily Routine
Shatavari can be easily found and purchased from the health market in its tablet, powdered, or liquid form. Most Ayurveda experts recommend taking Shatavari in its powdered form as it allows you to taste the herb in its most natural avatar.
¼ to ½ a teaspoon of Shatavari powder can be normally taken with a glass of warm water or milk, with honey or ghee as optional flavoring agents.
However, if you do not like taking Shatavari as a powder, you can still have it every day as a tablet with a glass of warm water or milk. We recommend consulting your Ayurvedic Practitioner to know the appropriate method of having Shatavari in your daily diet.
Note: The information in this article is intended for your educational use only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health programs.