How to cure Ayurveda Diseases?
Ayurveda is the 5000-year-old traditional system of medicine from India. In other system of medicines, they treat only the disease or symptoms but in Ayurvedic system of medicine, being a holistic in its approach, it not only treats the disease but treat the root cause and address one’s physical, mental and emotional well-being. It is a natural therapy hence it has almost no side effect or any complications, unlike other system of medicine that have side effects and complications.
The basis principle of Ayurveda is based on the concept of three doshas (Tridosha) – three humoral factors which are responsible for performing all activities in the body. In Ayurveda, diagnosis is based on imbalances in the tridoshas from your inherent body type or constitution. Every individual has a specific body type and by knowing one’s body type and follow certain diet and lifestyle, you can lead a long healthy life. Ayurveda and Yoga are sister sciences that are considered to work harmoniously together to deliver sound body, pure mind and a free spirit. In India, there is a long-standing tradition of practicing both Yoga and Ayurveda together, for maximum enhanced life experience.
Ayurveda is an effective traditional healthcare system that is being recognized more and more globally. It is one of the primary systems of healthcare in India that has been used for thousands of years for all sorts of ailments and disorders. The Ayurvedic path has been much tread upon. Literally, thousands of people have walked on it for thousands of years. Today Ayurveda is popular all over the world than ever before. Hospitals and clinics offer Ayurveda, the global press reports on Ayurveda, researchers examine and study Ayurveda, Governments host Ayurveda and people love it! Ayurveda has stood the test of time and people continued to practice it privately and openly, from little clinics in India to large Spas all over the world.
Full effectiveness of Ayurveda depends on various considerations – the age of the individual, state of health, mindset (how much effort they are willing to put into making the necessary changes toward better health), and how motivated one is in following the recommendations. Since an Ayurvedic regimen is very individualized, its results largely depend on individual factors as well, and on follow-up treatments since adjustments and close supervision are necessary to obtain optimal results.
Now let us look at more details on Ayurveda and various conditions like obesity, cancer, or chronic pain.
Can ayurveda aid with weight loss?
Yes, and very successfully. Obesity is caused mainly due to an imbalance in the doshas. When Ayurvedic wisdom is applied to the life of an ‘obese person’, they gain insight into why and how imbalances are created and how they can be managed. Ayurveda can teach you about balancing foods, specialized weight reducing exercises, essential oils, self-massage, gentle detoxification, herbs and colors to being balance. The goal of Ayurveda is to gradually bring about changes in the living and thinking of the individual. When the Ayurvedic recommendations are followed sincerely, diet and lifestyle changes are made, one can expect to lose weight.
Can cancer be cured by Ayurveda?
It must be remembered that Ayurveda does not claim to ‘cure’ diseases, but to restore balance to the body, mind and spirit. Cancer is another such condition caused do to tridosha imbalance at the cellular level. Ayurveda recommends herbal, diet and lifestyle therapy in Cancer. It is recommended that cancer patients check with their physician or primary health care provider before consulting an Ayurvedic Vaidya.
Can ayurveda treat persistent pain?
Yes, absolutely. Personalized herbs, specific diet modifications and specialized oil massages prove very effective in pain management without side effects or drug dependency. In various etiologies of arthritis, general conditions such as Fibromyalgia, or pain due to falls, traumas or repetitive stress – all such conditions are highly amenable to Ayurvedic therapies. We recommend that one start or stop all adjunct therapies by first checking in with your physician or primary health care provider.
Can Ayurveda treat depression, stress, or other mental illnesses?
While antidepressant and other drugs are both critical and often lifesaving, a person suffering from depression may or may not be living life optimally and may have difficulty in managing their day-to-day activities. Certain Ayurveda herbs, specialized massages and mind/body therapies (such as Panchakarma, Shirodhara, Meditation, Yoga, Pranayama, mantra therapy, etc) are time-tested, gentle mind-balancing tools with no side effects. One can continue taking the antidepressants (and remain in touch with their Primary Care Physician or Specialist regarding the drugs, dosage etc) but at the time, simultaneous support from Ayurvedic field can be helpful. Ayurvedic based therapies can indeed enhance and expedites recovery for people suffering from mental stress, anxiety, depression etc.
Can Ayurveda aid in preventing chronic illnesses or problems of lifestyle?
With over 5,000 years of history, Ayurveda is a time-tested holistic system that not only has the potential to help chronic and lifestyle diseases but more importantly prevent these diseases. Ayurveda does not claim to treat, prevent, or cure diseases, but helps restore balance to the physiology and psychology of individuals. When balance is attained, many diseases and disorders are often automatically prevented, and health is restored. This is the underlying concept behind Ayurvedic lifestyle and food choices.
Can Ayurvedic herbal supplements help improve my health?
Ayurvedic herbal supplements may help improve one’s overall health. However, it is extremely important that they be taken in the right form and at right times along with necessary dietary, daily and seasonal recommendations for his or her individual constitution and health concerns. To get best results using Ayurvedic herbal supplements, it is best to consult a professional first.
Can I combine contemporary medications, especially prescription medications, with Ayurvedic herbal supplements?
Before altering the schedule of prescriptions and medications you follow, or additionally taking Ayurvedic herbal supplements, always check with your physician or primary health care provider. Ayurveda can be used in conjunction with modern allopathic medicine. Drugs save lives, but sometimes they can also weaken the body or have side effects. Ayurveda can help protect, supplement or support recovery from several health conditions or in rehabilitation.
Can I continue taking ayurvedic herbal supplements and vitamin and mineral supplements at the same time?
Ayurveda generally recommends getting vitamins and minerals directly from the intake of nutritious foods and herbs. Unless otherwise directed by your physician or primary health care provider, it is not necessary to take additional vitamin and mineral supplements.
To summarize, we recommend consulting with an Ayurveda practitioner to know which remedy will best suit your mind-body dosha type and what Ayurvedic approach to take for your heath and well-being.
Note: The information in this article is intended for your educational use only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness, or other health programs.